Comerbonito was born in 2015 to help create memorable gastronomic experiences and build strong connections between people and brands. We have a pool of world-renowned chefs, food stylists, photographers, journalists, screenwriters, art directors, creatives and creators of culinary moments that will communicate your brand, product or service accurately.
Shadia Asencio
Founder and Head of content
She was a Creative Director for more than ten years leading major food and beverage brands. At the same time, she began to specialize in food and wine topics around the world. She was deputy editor in Food and Wine magazine in Spanish and Editor in Chief at kiwilimón cooking platform. She has published two books and produced more than thousand food audiovisual and editorial contents.
Mariana Durán
Partner and Production manager
She is an executive producer with more than fifteen years of experience in which she has developed content in different audiovisual formats including commercials, animation and movies. She has collaborated with all kinds of brands such as Nestlé, Coca-Cola and Lurpak.
Josep Manel Sicart
Art Director and Designer
Art director and versatile designer for more than fifteen years. His great creativity and aesthetic obsession have led him to be a creative director in several advertising agencies and to lead his own design studio specialized in branding and content creation.
Rafael "El Pana" Pérez
Sound Director
For more than 20 years he has worked producing original music and audiodesign for the advertising industry and brands. As an audio engineer and post-producer, he has managed all kinds of audiovisual projects. He isco-founder of the music production collective Feral Boutique.